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[行业新闻] 邀请函|CeBIT 2018德国汉诺威国际信息及通信技术博览会



发表于 2018-5-31 13:55:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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2018 年611~ 15日(11日为会议日)


Hannover Exhibition Grounds(德国 汉诺威展览中心)


Messegelände, D-30521 Hannover



Shenzhen LCS compliance testing laboratory LTD.


观众门票: RMB 1500/张





深圳立讯检测股份有限公司(简称LCS )成立于2004年4月,现已成功上市新三板(股票名称:立讯检测,股票代码:871117),总部实验室位于深圳市宝安区,并分别在深圳公明建立独立的照明验室(深圳南方立讯检测有限公司)、广州分公司建立汽车电子检测实验室、中山分公司建立照明实验室、深圳沙井分公司建立化学实验室、上海分公司等。2018开始计划建立宁波,武汉,成都,厦门分公司。

立讯检测是我国首批开创民营第三方检测、认证专业服务型的国家级高新技术企业。自成立以来, 通过不断的自我完善和发展, 目前已经建成电磁兼容实验室、无线射频实验室、产品安全实验室、新能源电池实验室、能效性能实验室、 环境可靠性实验室、 化学实验室等。

立讯检测已获得中国合格评定国家认可委员会CNAS , 计量认可CMA, 美国UL, FCC, TIMCO, SIEMIC, NVLAP, 加拿大IC, CSA,德国TUV, EMCC, PHOENIX, 英国ITS, 挪威NEMKO, 香港机电工程署EMSD,日本VCCI等国际机构认可与授权。立讯检测实验室在中国合格评定国家认可委员会CNAS、美国UL、德国TUV等权威认证机构的指导下,严格按照ISO/IEC 17025,GUIDE 25与EN45001标准建立。

我们遵循“科学 公正 准确 高效”的质量方针、国际准则和惯例以及国家的法律法规,在严格的程序下开展工作,对所有委托方均持科学、公正的态度,坚持保密的原则,向社会各界提供优质高效的服务。

Shenzhen LCS Compliance Testing Laboratory Ltd.  (hereinafter referred to as the LCS ) established in April, 2004, has been successfully listed on the new third board,( stock code:871117). The headquarter laboratory of LCS is located in Bao'an District and and establish a independent lighting laboratory in Gongming, Shenzhen named Shenzhen Southern LCS Compliance Testing Laboratory Ltd., also built automotive electronic testing laboratory in Guangzhou branch,set up the lighting laboratory in  Zhongshan branch.built chemical laboratory in  Shenzhen shajing branch . A chemical laboratory was established in Shenzhen Sha jing. In 2018, it was planned to establish Ningbo, Wuhan, Chengdu, Xiamen branch.

LCS is the first set of private operated third testing party in China and certification of professional service of national high-tech enterprises. Since established, through continuous self-improvement and development, LCS has now equipped with EMC testing  laboratory, RF testing laboratory and  Safety testing laboratory, New Energy Battery testing lab, ERP testing laboratory, environmental reliability testing laboratory, Chemical testing laboratory, etc.

LCS has obtained approval and authorization by China National Accredited Service for Conformity Assessment  CNAS, CMA, American UL, FCC, TIMCO, SIEMIC, NVLAP, IC of Canada, CSA, German TUV, EMCC, PHOENIX, ITS UK, Norway NEMKO, EMSD, Japan VCCI and other international institutions. Under the guidance of China National Accredited Service for Conformity Assessment CNAS and authoritative certification bodies such as the United States UL, German TUV, LCS Laboratory established in accordance with the standards ISO/IEC 17025, GUIDE 25 and En45001 strictly.

We follow the quality policy of " Justice, Science, Accurate, Efficiency ",obey  international norms and conventions and national laws and regulations, work under strict procedures,  show scientific and fair attitude to all clients, adhere to the principle of confidentiality and provide quality and efficient service to all the sectors of the society.  


一年一度的德国汉诺威国际信息及通讯技术博览会是全球规模最大、最具影响力的国际IT 领域高科技品牌展会,由德国汉诺威展览公司主办。CEBIT 源于1947 年在德国汉诺威创立的汉诺威工业博览会(HANNOVER FAIR),该展会旨在向国际市场展示和输出德国产品。1986 年,CEBIT 从汉诺威工博会中分离出来并独立成展,当年就吸引了2,142 家厂商参展,取得非常成功的效果。此后20 余年来,CEBIT 展会始终保持着持续增长的趋势和业内展会中的领先地位。

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