


分享 超低成本MESH组网蓝牙芯片PHY6252BLE5.2
动能世纪柯迎丹 2024-1-31 14:28
超低成本MESH组网蓝牙芯片PHY6252 蓝牙Mesh组网简介 蓝⽛Mesh⽹络使⽤,依赖于低功耗蓝⽛(BLE)。低功耗蓝⽛技术是蓝⽛Mesh使用的无线通信协议栈,蓝牙BR/EDR能够与实现一台设备到另一台设备的连接和通信,建立“一对一”的关系,大多数人所熟悉的“配对”一词就是这个意思。 蓝牙Mesh能够让我们建立无线设备之间的“多 ...
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分享 AT6558R卫星定位SOC芯片支持GPS/BDS/GNSS
动能世纪柯迎丹 2024-1-29 16:19
AT6558R BDS/GNSS 卫星定位 SOC 芯片 产品简介 AT6558R 是一款高性能 BDS/GNSS 多模卫星导航接收机 SOC 单芯片,片上集成射频前端,数字基带处理器,32 位的 RISC CPU,电源管理功能。 芯片支持多种卫星导航系统,包括中国的北斗卫星导航系统 BDS,美国的 GPS,俄罗斯的 GLONASS,日本 QZSS 系统,并实现 ...
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分享 国产蓝牙芯片OM6621E和OM6621P对比遥控鼠标智能穿戴选型推荐
动能世纪柯迎丹 2023-12-27 17:09
国产蓝牙选型推荐之昂瑞微 OM6621EM和OM6621ED性能特点 超低功耗蓝牙SOC 精简BLE5.1协议栈 主频64Mhz,40KB RAM 集成红外线收发电路 主要应用在语音遥控、鼠标、水表等 功能特点 功耗 1秒连接平均电流:11uA 峰值电流:TX@0dBm:49mA,RX@1Mbps:4.9mA 外设:集成红外发送和学习电路,SF Controll ...
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分享 动能方案|NFC智能家电解决方案 基于13.56MHz的近场无线通信技术
动能世纪翁晓如 2023-12-27 15:28
动能方案|NFC智能家电解决方案 基于13.56MHz的近场无线通信技术
众所周知,物联网(IoT)是一个连接日常物品和互联网的系统,它正在迅速改变我们执行日常任务的方式,物联网的影响如今几乎在每一个领域都有体现。IOT应用在智能家居领域的发展,相信大家都不陌生,日常家电从灯具、吊扇到洗衣机现在都开始连上网络。物联网正重新定义我们的居家环境,创造全新的能源管理方式,让生活 ...
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分享 IPQ9574 VS IPQ8072 both has 10G Ethernet port-What is the performance difference ...
wallys 2023-12-26 10:05
IPQ9574 VS IPQ8072 both has 10G Ethernet port-What is the performance difference ...
At present, most routers have 1G Ethernet ports, but many projects require routers to have 10G network ports. So what is the difference between 10G network ports and 1G network ports? There are some significant differences between the 10G network port and the 1G network port on the router, w ...
74 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 IPQ4019 VS IPQ6010 router with or without SFP-What is the difference?
wallys 2023-12-25 15:22
11AC-IPQ4019 and 11AX-IPQ6010 motherboards with or without SFP,What is the difference between ? When it comes to whether there is an SFP on the router motherboard, this usually refers to whether the router has an SFP slot. SFP stands for small pluggable optical module and is an interface t ...
132 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Different WiFi cards -QCN9274 and QCN6274- Different performance
wallys 2023-12-20 10:02
 Different WiFi cards -QCN9274 and QCN6274- Different performance
Different WiFi cards -QCN9274 and QCN6274- Different performance QCN9274 and QCN6274: Exploring the future of wireless connectivity I. Introduction A. Background Qualcomm is a leading global semiconductor company whose chips are widely used in mobile devices, Internet of Things, automotive ...
64 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 openwrt open source WiFi solution-802.11ac, 802.11ax- better support your projec ...
wallys 2023-12-19 14:59
openwrt open source WiFi solution-802.11ac, 802.11ax- better support your projec ...
IPQ4019, IPQ5018, IPQ6010, and IPQ8072 are high-performance network processor chips that support OpenWrt open source systems. There are many advantages to supporting OpenWrt open source systems: First, OpenWrt is a Linux-based operating system designed specifically for embedded devices such as ...
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分享 昂瑞微即将发布OM6626/OM6628超低功耗电子名牌ESL应用芯片对标NRF52832
动能世纪柯迎丹 2023-12-19 10:37
OM6626 是一款超低功耗的蓝牙soc 主要特性: 支持BLE5.3 支持SIG Mesh 支持2.4G长包 主频64Mhz,80KB RAM 主要应用在esl电子价签,IoT模组、CGM、高报告率HID设备 PUM特点 1.71~3.6v供电电压 1秒间隔广播平均电流:9uA;1秒间隔连接平均电流:7uA 峰值电流:TX@0dB:4mA,RX@1Mbps:3mA ...
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分享 Learn more about IPQ9574 and IPQ8074 - the pinnacle showdown of high-performance ...
wallys 2023-12-18 09:53
Learn more about IPQ9574 and IPQ8074 - the pinnacle showdown of high-performance ...
Learn more about IPQ9574 and IPQ8074 - the pinnacle showdown of high-performance network processors I. Introduction A. Overview of IPQ9574 and IPQ8074 IPQ9574 and IPQ8074 are both network processors launched by Qualcomm. They both use Qualcomm's Krait ...
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